Sunday, December 7, 2014

Learning Letter

            Looking back over the last three months, I have seen a significant growth in my knowledge and aptitude as I grow into a teacher. This class has given me so much affirmation that coming back to school to seek a career in teaching was the right choice. There have been so many gains and learning moments, and I really feel proud of what I have accomplished this quarter, and especially in this class.

            Something I really appreciated about English 493 is that every assignment we had felt necessary to our growth. Nothing felt like “busy work.” Every assignment has aided in preparing me for my teaching career. The book talks were beneficial in helping me consider books, novels, short stories, and poems I should include in my classroom (or at the very least read). I want make reading a fun habit, rather than a chore. I am super excited to look into the books that were shared. The mini-lesson was a great first experience in arranging and teaching a lesson, as well as hearing some thoughtful and constructive criticism as to what I can improve upon. And, although the unit plan was difficult, it was and incredible feeling to complete and see exactly what goes into organizing three weeks worth of lessons. I feel like I learned so much about the dedication and discipline behind teaching, and am excited to take it on.

            I also loved getting an opportunity to read some theories and concepts as an introduction to what I will be examining in my education courses. Having read a few theories made preparing my TPA lesson plans easier and gave me more of a foundation to help me think about how I can execute my unit plan to see my “students” succeed. This seemed like the most valuable part of the class because every one of the articles we looked at will be something I can incorporate into my classroom, teaching philosophy, and personal pedagogy to support my development as a teacher.

            This course also helped me recognize that I need to feel more comfortable with sharing my own thoughts and opinions. I am absolutely an active listener and I love to hear my peers respond in class discussion, because it helps me develop and process a thoughtful answer. However, I know that as a teacher, I may not have that kind of time to mature a response, especially when I am facilitating discussions. I think that it is okay to not always have the “right” answer and that it would be better to speak up sometimes that to fear being wrong. I know as I learn more about pedagogy, take my education courses, and able to observe and be in the classroom this will happen naturally.  But hey, I made it to class every day and contributed when I had something to say. I just think there is always room for improvement and I always want to better myself.

            I definitely enjoyed this class, and loved getting to know everyone in it. I love being back in school, and I love that I am working towards something I am already so proud of. I can’t wait to learn more, and begin to apply everything I have ascertained so far. I am confident that with time and practice, I will be a great English teacher.